Some Reasons to Try Barney's

Some Reasons to Try Barney's

Melissa and I went to Barney's last night. For those outside the Bay Area, Barney's is a local chain of gourmet hamburger restaurants. I find their burgers decent, especially now that I've learned to avoid the specialty burgers with their overflowing and unsubtle ingredients. But sometimes we get a craving for them.

I called in advance and asked if we could bring some wine. The person's response ("sure") made me wonder if she'd heard the question. Well, the worst that could happen was they'd freak out when we got there, bottle in hand.

They didn't freak out. It turns out Barney's doesn't charge a corkage fee, the fee that restaurants charge you when you bring your wine, to punish you for not buying the overpriced wine from their uninteresting lists. Of course, Barney's doesn't really have a wine service to compete with your choice. I imagine their "Chablis" and "Burgundy" come from boxes. And it's not like they trotted out their hidden stash of Riedel crystal. We drank our wine trattoria-style out of simple glass tumblers. Still, I was pleasantly surprised at this casual response, and I could imagine going to Barney's more often just to support this attitude.

Here's another surprise. Barney's says on their menu that they won't cook a burger rare. I told the server that I understood that, but I wanted it as rare as they could possibly make it. The burgers weren't exactly rare to my taste, but they were certainly more rare than their menu implied. Begging has its place, I guess.

What wine do you bring to a burger joint? I looked through our rack, and it struck me as soon as I saw the bottle: Big Moose Red. It even has a screw cap so we didn't need to smuggle in a corkscrew. It was the perfect wine for the occasion.

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