Some kind of abomination?

Some kind of abomination?

Now, I'm not a coffee-lover (the smell can actually make me nauseous), but I can't help but think blueberry cheesecake flavored coffee beans are just wrong.

- Coffee Blending & Peet's Anniversary Blend
To create a recipe you have to know your ingredients and to blend coffee, you have to know your beans. At Peet's Coffee & Tea they don't just taste their coffee once, but three times, once at purchase, once when it ships and...

- Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony
Coffee is a social drink, whether you are ordering an expresso from a crowded bar in Naples or sipping coffee from a saucer in Sweden, as Marcus Samuelsson's grandfather did. But the coffee ceremony from Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee is something...

- Cabaret Brewed Chocolate
I remember first smelling the scent of coffee roasting in North Beach. I was a teenager and it was exotic and intoxicating like the City itself. Even though I didn't drink coffee, I loved that smell. Over the years whenever I've smelled fresh...

- Sugar High Friday
It's SHF time again, hosted this month by Ronald of lovesicily (wonderful travel site, by the way...). Our theme is coffee...this is not good! For Matt and I are most definitely not coffee people. We don't drink it, don't cook or bake with...

- Whole Bean Coffee
If I got your attention then you are probably a coffee drinker. I consider myself to be a heavy coffee drinker. Well I should say I was a heavy coffee drinker, because now I am drinking only a cup or two per week. I try to drink more green tea now. But...

