Simple Sunday Sausage Supper

Simple Sunday Sausage Supper

Melissa and I were exhausted after her first Open Studios weekend. Neither of us are sure why; she mostly talked to visitors, and I just smoked sausage for her food table and worked on writing. But for some reason we were beat.

We decided to do a simple dinner, taking advantage of the excess smoked sausage. We stopped by the produce market and bought red onions and spinach. I caramelized the onions and wilted the spinach. Simple, effective, and good, and it required little of my actual time.

Our wine was the 2001 Best's Shiraz from Victoria, Australia. Neither Melissa nor I can remember where we got this bottle: from one of our wine clubs, but which one? Anyway, it was a light version of syrah, with lots of fruity, jammy aromas. My notes say bubble gum, cherry, jam. There were slight floral notes with some smoke on the finish, and the alcohol was way out of balance. I considered it good, but fairly one-dimensional. The fruit was overwhelmed by our dinner, but the spice in the sausage and and the acid in the wine sort of kicked themselves into an upward spiral, so that the sausage became really spicy with the wine.

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