SHF #12-Cooking Up Custard: Dulce de Leche Ice Cream

SHF #12-Cooking Up Custard: Dulce de Leche Ice Cream

(I'm melting...melting!)

This month's Sugar High Friday, hosted by Elise of Simply Recipes, is all about custard.

Still recovering from a rather nasty flu/cold, I toyed with the idea of skipping SHF this month.
But, no matter how crappy I might feel, I couldn't miss it.

Decision made, I decided not to get too adventurous, and stick with a form of custard I was already familiar with: ice cream.

A recipe in the latest issue of Bon Appetit called for dulce de leche ice cream, but expected you to run to the store for it.

Which, of course, just got me wanting to make my own!

From here is Homemade Dulce de Leche Ice Cream.

Very rich, and really tastes like dulce de leche.

Also makes a rather soft ice cream...look at it melt!

And Elise has already started with the round-up! Please check it out.

And don't forget---Blog Party #2, Tiki Party, is less than one week away! Be sure to get your info in by next Thursday, 22 September. You can leave a link in the comments, or email me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com

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