SHF # 4: Let's Go Nuts! Nutella

SHF # 4: Let's Go Nuts! Nutella

Well, what do you say, wanna go NUTS? I sure did! When the lovely Viv over at Seattle Bon Vivant announced January's theme for this Sugar High Friday I clapped my little hands, chirping "Oh goody! Almond cake? Baklava?..." to myself.

Then came Christmas. And January. And uh-oh...What to make, what to make? Will I even be able to come out from my weird world of not doing anything else but studying for my exam??

Oh yes I will. I shall not miss this - I SHALL NOT!!

And then I thought about it. And thought some more. Because actually - I'm not that big in nuts. I mean, hand me a piece of cake that's got nuts in it, and I won't be all: NO WAY! - I mean, it's cake! But I don't find myself putting nuts in all my cakes and pastries. More often than not, I leave them out if they're in a recipe. I do almonds, and I like almonds. I think I've just had to many bad (read: rancid) experiences with nuts.

But what I really like about these events is how they make you think about a lot of things you could do, and then you end up doing something completely different - and of course the fact that they are often a bit challenging. So I had, obviously, very little time, and no need for a challenge I'd have to re-do the next day. And then it hit me, from out of nowhere - hazelnuts!

Equals NUTELLA! Ha! There we go!

I've made this recipe before, so it's tried and tested and tasted - but I gave the recipe to a friend (who's usually skilled enough in the kitchen) and it just didn't turn out well. I'm writing this seconds after I finished it, so I might put an update in here as to how it went after refrigeration... The taste was nice - no mistaking, it's chocolate and hazelnuts and not much else, but boy is it gooooood! I like this idea of doing commercial products myself and getting stuff that's miles better then what I can buy!

Here goes nuts! from Morten Heiberg
180 g. hazelnuts
250 g. milk chocolate (or dark, but use a little less if you go for dark) - finely chopped.
½ vanilla pod
2 tablespoons honey
1 dl. cream

Toast the hazelnuts on a baking sheet in a 180 C hot oven. When they start giving of that nice toasty smell, pour them straight into a food processor. Pulse for a couple of seconds, then add the chocolate and the seeds from the vanilla pod. Pulse again, the idea being that the heat from the nuts will melt the chocolate. Add the honey and cream, pulsing briefly.

Store in the fridge for up to 10 days.

I'll eat it on toast or put it on ice cream, or on Digestive bisquits - or just lick it of a spoon!

Hopefully I'll be back soon from the unwanted leave of absence from my blog here, to check all of the adventurous things you're doing out there in the food-blogging world. Meanwhile, books are calling again... Man, sometimes I think they're worse than having a baby!;-)

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