Salon Interviews Ed

Salon Interviews Ed

Salon has an interview with Ed, my editor at The Art of Eating. It's written by J.R. Norton, better known to food bloggers as CHOW's James Norton.

Because if Bon Appétit is the food media's Newsweek and Saveur is the Economist, then the Art of Eating is the New York Review of Books: sometimes impenetrable, often spellbinding, and never, ever reductive.

I had to laugh at this quote: "A reader not long ago wrote to me saying: 'You are the guy who had the courage to say all coffee in North America is over-roasted,' and I probably did say something nearly like that." I saw that letter, because the rest of it fumed about letting me write about Vinovation.

Go and read what Ed, one of our country's best food writers, has to say about the culinary world. Go and read what one of my role models says about his influences.

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