Ruth Reichl Q&A

Ruth Reichl Q&A

For those of you who missed Ruth Reichl, the good news is her talk will be broadcast on Writer's Voice Radio on KALW. When I have a date I will post it.

In the meantime here are some highlights:

What do you cook at home on a Tuesday night?
Fast things. Spaghetti carbonara, lamb chops, potatoes, steamed fish. Gourmet Everyday recipes from the magazine.

What projects do you have coming up?
HBO has bought and is developing a series based on Comfort Me with Apples and Garlic and Sapphires.

If not New York, what are the great food cities right now?
Hong Kong, Sidney and London. What's happening in Asia is stunning. There are well-trained chefs, lots of money and an obsession with the regional cuisine of China. It seems to be percolating into Australia.

Favorite restaurants in London?
St. John and Moro.

Favorites in New York?
Telepan and Pearl Oyster Bar.

What food writers do you admire?
AJ Liebling, MFK Fisher, but also non-fiction writers who happen to write about food such as Diana Abu-Jaber and Bemelmans.

What do you think of the rise of celebrity chefs and the Food Network?
Cooking is connection that we all desperately need. People don't see their mothers and aunts cooking and so they turn to television chefs. Unfortunately it's not taking people into the kitchen.


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