Restaurant Best Practices

Restaurant Best Practices

So last week I ranted against what drives me crazy in restaurants. But it takes very little to make me happy and want to come back again. The following list is of the those very things that I appreciate when dining out:

What else are restaurants doing right? Anything you've experienced lately that made your day?

- Perfecting Pastry
Sad ending #1 An utterly average dessert that costs $10. Sad ending #2 A huge dessert that is way more than a single serving. Sad ending #3 When the only thing remotely fresh on the dessert menu is a mint or strawberry garnish on the invariable assortment...

- Nopa: Restaurant Review
Do you know someone who has "good ordering karma"? Whenever you go out to eat they unwittingly order the best thing on the menu and you're left with something decidedly less interesting. I'll tell you, I don't have it. It's rare that...

- Pastores: Restaurant Review Closed
There used to be a Mexican restaurant in San Francisco called "Mom is Cooking". Hearing that name, can't you just picture someone's mother standing over a stove somewhere, smiling and lovingly stirring a pot? Mom is Cooking is long gone, but in...

- Be Rachael Ray For A Day: Dine & Dish #4
Food Network star, Rachael Ray. Some people love her, some people hate her and some people positively love to hate her. She's perky and cute or goofy and annoying. But regardless of how you feel about Rachael Ray and her seemingly never-ending television...

- Citizen Cake Restaurant Closed
The older I get, the more service seems to matter to me. I don't expect great service in a dive or a diner, though I am pleased when I get it. But in a moderate to expensive place, it really bugs me if the service is less than top notch. I do recognize...

