Reconstruction Chicken

Reconstruction Chicken

Willow: "The reconstruction occurred when? Buffy?"

Buffy: "Reconstruction. Reconstruction occurred after the
construction, which was shoddy, so they had to

Kind of like dinner.

Herb-and-Cheese Filled Chicken Thighs

Parmesan, Provolone, basil, parsley, breadcrumbs, egg, lemon zest and rosemary, all to be wrapped up in chicken thighs (or chunks of Veat).

First problem: I'd put 'chicken thigh, skin on' on the grocery list. What came home was skinless. Ooops. Didn't really matter, though.

Second problem: No matter how long I looked at those thighs, I couldn't figure out how to get them into shape. Then I walked away from the mirror with a sigh, and took a look at the chicken thighs. Same outcome.

Seemed like the filling was just too much, be wrapped up.

Our solution? Topping each chicken piece with another thigh.

In the end, it was ok. I wasn't overwhelmed, and I don't think Matt was, either. The lemon zest overtook the other flavors (though Provolone doesn't really stand much of a chance, does it?), and I expected a bit more from such an herb-heavy filling.

But the avocado and arugula were fabulous.

Blog Party#10 is less than two weeks away, and this month we're having a Garden Party! Cute little sandwiches, and that perfect cup of tea...won't you join us? Entries are due 18 May, a week from tomorrow....can't wait to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Chicken + Cheese + Basil + Breadcrumbs + Avocado + Arugula + Rosemary + Dinner

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