Poubelle Winter Feed

Poubelle Winter Feed

Melissa and I called this last weekend our "Weekend of Gluttony." We had tons of good food made for us Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But Saturday night was the one we had been anticipating for an entire year: Tom & Carol's winter party.

Here is something to contemplate. Imagine serving 14 dishes. For 50 people. Each. Now imagine that each of those dishes is a) made as much from scratch as possible, b) beautifully presented, and c) utterly delicious. Tom started cooking in earnest the night before, and he and his team of sous-chefs were working from early that morning until midway through the night. Planning and prep of certain things (like stock) had happened weeks in advance

Carol manages everything else: setup, table decorations, renting plates and tables and the like, and the guest list. Because of her, the patio (where we usually stake out our seats; it gives you a chance to see when new plates arrive from the kitchen) is charming and cozy.

The whole thing is awe-inspiring.

Here's the rundown on the menu, but you'll really want to look at this page for a better idea of the evening. If I don't say anything in particular about the dish, just trust me that it was delicious.


Main Course

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