Pommes Alex

Pommes Alex

Wow...am I a lucky gal.

Not only do I have a husband who cooks, but apparently...a son, as well!

Tuesday, I had a plan for dinner. But, in another case of 'really should have read that recipe all the way through...', I realized too late part of the dish had to sit in the fridge for at least an hour.


Matt decided to do something with potatoes, and headed off to the kitchen.

Suddenly, he came back, asking for the camera.

"Alex will be making dinner tonight."

I gotta see this!

So, I head to the kitchen, and lo! and behold!

My 2 1/2 year old was, indeed, making dinner.

He peeled the potatoes (with Daddy as sous chef, cutting off the ends).

He put the (cut by Daddy) potato halves into the food processor, and 'sliced' them by pushing the button.

He placed the potato slices in the baking dish, topping each layer with butter slabs (carefully) and shredded cheese ('sprinkle, sprinkle')...he was so proud!

And he did a fantastic job...we're going to make this a regular event.

Blog Party#4: The Holiday Edition is coming soon...start sending in those entries! Get them to me no later than Saturday at noon (that would be noon Eastern, US, time); I'll get the round-up posted Saturday!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, kids

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