Plum Crumble

Plum Crumble

I bought a small box of these little guys last week at the farmer's market. I have no idea what they're called (if you do, I'd love to know), but each is a little bigger than a cherry tomato - about the same size as those "cocktail tomatoes". They're only slightly sweet, nicely tangy near the skin, but overall just so-so. There were eight left on the counter when they fell under my gaze and I decided it was time to use them up.

I made a spontaneous little crumble mixture without consulting a cookbook. I measured things only so that it might be repeatable should it be successful. And, as will become apparent when you read further, the measurements were decided upon with simplicity in mind rather than any culinary imperative. Sometimes I luck out with this slap dash approach (sometimes I don't - I am in the midst of my second attempt at my IMBB creation, which I'm not sure will even get done in time, let alone taste good) and this was one of those times.

Who knew those little plums would be such tangy wonders once they were baked? I was afraid the ratio of crumble to plum was a little too high, but it's perfect. I had meant to add nuts, but forgot. I don't miss them, but I still think they would be a nice addition.

Plum Crumble

8 little plums, pitted and cut up
about 1 1/2 tsp cold butter
2 tbs flour
2 tbs oatmeal
2 tbs light brown sugar
a pinch or two of cinnamon
a few grates of nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350 F

Rub the butter into the flour with your fingers. Add the oatmeal, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg and rub a little more to combine. Put the plums in a small baking dish (I have stonewear dishes, so I used a soup bowl), sprinkle 2 tbs of the oatmeal mixture over, and toss to combine. (At this point I was thinking I should have put in a bit more cinnamon, so I sprinkled some cinnamon sugar over the top.) Spread the remaining oatmeal mixture over the top of the fruit. Bake for about 25 minutes or until thick, bubbly, and starting to brown on top.

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