Petite Critters!

Petite Critters!

There's something I have to admit. There's one thing other than biochemistry drawing my attention away from my blog at the moment. It's these guys:

They are soo cute, my little guinea pigs!!:-) They're actually my younger sister's, but she doesn't give a royal f*** about them, so I've borrowed them for a couple of weeks. They're named Tim & Bum, from the Danish translation of Cinderella - the mice that makes her dress, remember?

I've never actually had a pet before, so that probably accounts for me being so overly excited - I have to admit I kinda am! Even though my boyfriend find them a bit boring: "but they don't do anything but hang around in their cage Honey!?" I don't care. They're cute and they're cuddly - all you could want - but of course, so is he!

- Cute Food, Japanese Style
The only thing I can say in my defense, is that after two weeks of being bombarded with that special type of Japanese cuteness known as "kawaii" I had a momentary lapse. It was during a trip through the temple of all things adorable, the toy store Kiddy...

- Don't Feed The Animals
But feeding animal cookies to kids is just fine! Early this summer, we spent a day at the zoo with my mom, step-dad, youngest sister and her boyfriend. We came back to our house for a cook-out, and at some point, mom handed Alex a bag filled with these...

- All Kinds Of Good-for-you
Grapefruits Make Women Seem Younger... In our strangest news item of the week, it has come to our attention that grapefruits may make women "seem" younger. In a bizarre study where middle-aged women were smeared with everything from broccoli and bananas,...

- The Commenters Meme
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } I have walked around a lot like this lately... Is it just me or is it getting REALLY...

- Brain, Don't Fail Me Now...
Once upon a time, I was a straight A student. Once upon a time, I finished all my papers in due time, written in perfect Danish, spell checked and with correct grammar. All of my math, physic and chemistry papers was presented as they should be, with...

