Penne in a Creamy Oregonzola Sauce

Penne in a Creamy Oregonzola Sauce

We finally bought a copy of Mark Bittman's "How To Cook Everything". It's a decent book, but not as interesting as we'd hoped.

Did find this recipe, and there was some Oregonzola in the fridge from the in-law's recent trip to visit BIL & SIL in Portland...not nearly exciting enough to be called kismet, but things did work out nicely.

It's nothing special, and in fact surprised us with it's meager 1/4 cup cream. But it coated the pasta, the cheese was tempered just enough by the cream, and yes, it was good.

This month, we're sleeping in a little late, but the party won't suffer...we're having Brunch!

RSVP by Friday, 20 March

- Why Having A Pastry Chef For A Grammy Is A Good Thing
Because, if you're Alex, she'll decorate your birthday present with cookies she made & decorated just for you. Two of his favorite things: Superheroes & baseball (that would be a Pirate next to te baseball). This month, we're sleeping...

- Smoked Gouda Potato Gratin
What's not to like? Potatoes, cream, smoked Gouda, mixed together with milk, garlic, thyme, sea salt & pepper. Baked till potatoes are tender. With a recipe as easy as this, and a final product so good it practically melts in your mouth, unless...

- Beef & Potato Empanadas
Maybe it's because Brilynn finally joined Twitter, but I had this sudden urge to make empanadas. Quick search found this; the pastry was fantastic. The filling, good (using Morningstar Farms crumbles for me) but could use a little something else....

- Scenes From A Space
From Alex's party yesterday; the theme was outer space and yes, he dressed as Mars' most famous son, J'onn J'onzz. He was trying to look all serious, and super-hero-y here. With the mask...which was pretty nifty. Live-Action Comics!...

- Peanutbutter Chocolate Chunk Cookies As Stress Relief
Sometimes, all you can do is bake. One of the easiest cookie recipes I've come across, and so good. Soft, fragrantly peanut butter-y. They're for a few friends of mine; I can't do what they do, but I can bake. So, DP, Sere, et al? Help yourselves....

