Organic Produce Delivery

Organic Produce Delivery

Yesterday I got my monthly delivery from Farm Fresh to You, organic produce delivery. I started this a couple of years ago when Webvan went out of business and I was seriously going through withdrawl pains. As much as I enjoy shopping for fresh produce I LOVED having Webvan bring me what I wanted because of the convenience and the super quality.

The box that comes from the farm is really a lot of fun for an adventuresome cook. The produce is seasonal, farm-fresh and you get varieties of produce that you might not find in the store. And also items you might not normally buy, so the challenge is on to figure out what to cook....

This months box included:

Cherry tomatoes
Heirloom tomatoes
Tomatillos (huge ones)
a big sweet onion

The heirloom tomatoes do not look ripe to me so I plan on making Fried Green Tomatoes. This is a Southern dish and is quite delicious, however it may sound strange if this is the first you've heard of it. The dish was made famous by Fanny Flagg who wrote a terrific book called "Fried Green Tomatoes" and also brought overnight fame to a small cafe outside of Birmingham, Alabama named the Whistle Stop Cafe. The book was subsequently made into a popular movie of the same name.

When tomatoes are green they are sour, tangy, dry, crunchy and bear little if no resemblance to ripe red tomatoes. There are plenty of ways to coat and fry green tomatoes; use bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, cornmeal, or flour. Some people dip them in beaten eggs before dredging, while some just dredge then fry. Salt and pepper them first, and use a little bacon grease for flavor if you have it. Otherwise any clean light oil in a non-stick pan will do. You want some oil to really crisp up the coating. They can be served as a side dish or in a sandwich with mozzarella and fresh basil, or bacon.

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and are interested in home delivery of produce contact:
Farm Fresh to You

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