On The Tenth Day of Christmas: Bacon - How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways...

On The Tenth Day of Christmas: Bacon - How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways...

1. I love you in thin slices, with my weekend morning's scrambled eggs. You make eggs the Belle of the Morning Table. You make eggs the Belle of any table, in fact.

2. I love you in a greasy burger, smothered in cheese, ketchup and mayo.

3. I love you in thick slices, with kartofler og persillesovs (it's a Danish thing). I would alwaus choose you, bacon, over your non-smoked brother, flæsk.

4. I love you in a quiche, with a crumbly tart shell, and meltingly tender leeks, a dash of cream, and. You. Maybe a frisée salad on the side.

5. I love you in cubes, fried, then tossed with a salad of baby greens, goat's cheese and maybe a crouton or two.

6. I love you in a BLT. Especially if you add a little avocado as well. I think bacon and avocado is a match made in heaven.

7. I love you with cabbage. Controlling the sharp taste of cabbage is something only few can do. With brussel sprouts, you're at your game, noone above you, noone beside you. You rule the brussel sprouts.

8. I love you with white fish. Your smokyness and saltiness adds a depth to a dish, that noone else can. You bring out the best in what your pair up with.

9. I love you crumbled over a baked potato with sour cream and chives.

10. I love your leftover grease, using it in breads, with beans, or in my favorite, the bacon vinaigrette.

11. I love you crumbled on top of soups, dazzling me with your crunch and flavor, you do.

12. I love you with chicken. You add that little extra oomph, that makes chicken/mayo salad stand out, and win over the other mayo salads, when you're by her side.

13. I love you with jerusalem artichokes. You make sure their sweetnes is tamed, their taste of nuts enhanced. You make jerusalem artichokes stand at the top of the podium, smiling.

14. I love you in carbonara. Playing with some of your best friends, Egg Yolk & Cream, you make everybody all warm and fuzzy inside.

15. I love you with warm leverpostej and mushrooms. No wonder the Danes have taken to you so.

16. I love you, munched in crispy, crackly bits, straight off of the kitchen towel where you lay to drain, after having been fried.

... And to think I was once a vegetarian.

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