Next time? Order in.

Next time? Order in.

Monday night's dinner: Roasted Garlic White Pizza with Garlic Sauce.

I love white pizza. And I like roasted garlic.

What I did not like was this recipe...

Lots of work, with 'eh' results.

What we weren't so crazy about was the garlic bechamel sauce, spread over the crust.

Spend twenty minutes dealing with the garlic, make a crust, do everything the recipe says..and 'not bad, but not great' is the verdict.

Emeril, you let me down.

- Del Popolo Pizzeria
Del Popolo might look like a pizza truck, but according to the proprietors, it's a mobile pizzeria. At a reported $180,000 to build the thing, I think they can call it whatever they like. It's a refurbished shipping container with an actual pizza...

- Roasted Asparagus With Green Garlic & Panko Recipe
This past Saturday at the Ferry Plaza farmer's market I found lots of harbingers of Spring, all green--asparagus, green garlic, artichokes and even obscure ones like wild radish rapini. I bought a bit of each. The rapini I will blanch then probably...

- Who Could Resist...
…a sign like this? Not me. I bought four heads, left one with Bob, and kept three for myself. This weekend I roasted two of them and made potato garlic soup. This is the first time I have roasted garlic where I have been happy with the results. ...

- I Should Be Safe From Vampires...
A Rosemary and Garlic Braid. Five bulbs of garlic, roasted in a pan with chopped fresh rosemary (from the four foot tall plant near the front porch!), and olive oil. The paste is mixed with nine (ish) cups of flour, lots of yeast, heated milk, water...

- My Own Invention
I think I'm a pretty good cook. I can most certainly follow directions. With few exceptions, recipes turn out as they're supposed to. And occasionaly, I like to just make things up. Maybe I have ingredients that need to be used. Perhaps I'm...

