Mondays with Maida - Honey Date-Nut Bars

Mondays with Maida - Honey Date-Nut Bars

Page 114 in the old book / page 152 in the new book

After last week's cookies, these were a let-down. They weren't terrible, just blah. The fact that they have no butter was the first strike against them and, in spite of a generous amount of dates and a whole cup of honey, they weren't especially sweet. They just had no spark. All together, a very unmemorable cookie.

I have a wonderful family recipe for date bars and was also crazy about Lindy's Chinese Chews, so when I have an urge for date-nut bars, I don't think I'll be making these.

Here's the panel...

Suzanne: "The texture was more like stale, dry bread than a cake texture. It was very chewy. This was probably my least favorite of anything Cathy has prepared for us. Phil knew the right day to be sick and out of the office. Rating - 0"

Denny: "I'd give them a 3.0. A little disappointing as the name sounds really good. Rating - 3.0"

Laura: "Tasty, but a little dry for my liking. Rating - 2.0"

Terri: "Very chewy, a little on the "dry" side. Just the right amount of dates and nuts. Rating - 2.0"

Overall rating by the panel - 1.8

Next week - Aspen Date-Nut Fingers

Nutrition Facts

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