Major in Organic Farming!

Major in Organic Farming!

Microsoft's demographics analysis tool asserts that this site enjoys a marked popularity among the under-18 set. I'm skeptical that the next generation has so much passion for wine, homemade charcuterie, and fine dining. But just in case Microsoft's automated analysis tool knows my readers better than I do, I'm throwing out a college option for all you high school students: The University of Florida in Gainesville will offer one of the country's first majors in organic farming.

For those of you not sitting for your SATs, this development offers more proof that public demand for organic food goes up and up and up each year. That is, if you needed more proof than Wal-Mart's aggressive entry into the organic food business.

- In Organic We Trust
In Organic We Trust trailer What do terms like “organic” and “natural” mean? Are they marketing terms or something more? The documentary “In Organic We Trust,” begins by taking a deeper dive into what the public thinks organic is all about...

- Is Organic As Good As It Gets?
An interesting thing happened when I wrote about Safeway introducing a line of organic products. Not everybody who read the announcement thought it was a good thing. Now Wal-Mart has made plans to introduce a line of organic products, with the goal of...

- Organic Trend Or Fad?
You probably already know Atkins Nutritionals Inc. maker of products for low-carb diets, has filed for bankruptcy. We all saw this coming, right? It was a fad, not a trend. But how about eating organic? Think it's a fad too? Think again. Research...

- Organic Milk
When I was growing up my parents raised chickens. We had fresh organic eggs even during the most lean times. We ate a lot of eggs and sold the rest to neighbors for a dollar a dozen, as I recall. The yolks of the eggs were thick and orange colored, and...

- Gng Recap, 06/02
What's the what on Growers and Grocers? Here's a guide to some of the stories we've covered this week: You can tell the USDA what you think about "organic" milk from cows crammed into feedlots. A Quebec university will allow the first...

