Last one; promise!

Last one; promise!

Final re-post from the cooking club.

I get a weekly newsletter from the Tribune (many cities), and in this week's I saw the following recipe.

From the Chicago Tribune
Recipe of the week
Chicago Tribune

All Heart, bittersweet style

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Chilling time: 24 hours plus 3 hours
Yield: 12 servings

6 ounces bittersweet chocolate
2 Tbsps. coffee
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
3 large eggs
2 tsps. vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup chilled heavy cream
2 tsps. confectioners' sugar
3/4 tsp. vanilla
Small flowers, candied violets or hearts (optional)

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Place chocolate and coffee in small bowl. Melt in microwave on 10 percent power, about 1 minute, 20 seconds, stirring once midway. Stir until smooth. Cream sugar and butter in bowl of electric mixer until fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time. With mixer running, slowly add warm chocolate mixture, vanilla and salt. Mix until smooth. Pour into 5-cup-capacity heart-shaped pan (or 8-inch layer cake pan) lined with heavy-duty foil. Leave about 2-inch foil overhang.

Bake on baking sheet until puffy with a thick cracked crust but still jiggly in center, about 30 minutes. Cool at room temperature. Refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days or freeze up to 1 month, covered airtight.

Lightly press down on edges to make surface as even as possible. Invert heart on platter; carefully remove parchment. Whip together heavy cream, confectioners' sugar and vanilla until stiff. Spread whipped cream over heart. Pipe remaining cream in decorative pattern using pastry bag fitted with a rosette tip. Refrigerate up to 3 hours. To serve, garnish with flowers, violets or candy hearts, if using. Serve chilled, cut into wedges.

Nutritional information per serving:
304 calories; 67percent of calories from fat; 23 grams fat; 14 grams saturated fat; 105 mg. cholesterol; 22 grams carbohydrates; 3 grams protein; 48 mg. sodium; 1 gram fiber.

Thought I'd share!

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