It runs in the family

It runs in the family

And you're what...shocked and surpised? We're a foodie family!

Blog Party#10 has been announced, and this month we're having a Garden Party! Cute little sandwiches, and that perfect cup of tea...won't you join us? Entries are due 18 May...can't wait to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Kids + Cooking + Family

- Today's The Day
Today is the last day to get your Blog Party#10, Garden Party, entries in...we're in for a night of scones, cute little sandwiches, pastries and tea! There's still time to join; just get those posts to me by tonight. Send your entries to thehappysorceress...

- Playtime For Alex
We took Alex to a park last weekend; since I'm too tired to cook just now I'll just post cute kid pictures. New friend? Grammy, a pup (not one of ours), new pal and Alex. Whee! Saying 'good-bye' to Grandmom. Aw, shucks; time to...

- Wdb: Three In One
How 'bout that? All three in the same picture! See all the other pups by visiting Sweetnicks tonight... Blog Party#10 is less than a week away, and this month we're having a Garden Party! Cute little sandwiches, and that perfect cup of tea...won't...

- Turns Out, I'm A One-bonnet Kind Of Gal
We're on the hunt for Caribbean recipes (Why? You'll just have to wait and see!), so when I saw one for Jamaican Jerk Chicken, I thought we should give it a try. Brilliantly simple to prepare; everything is processed together and used to marinate...

- Pick-me-up Sandwich
Rainy days. Cooped indoors. Alex old behavior. I needed a hug, but Matt was at work. A really nice avocado, fake ham and bacon, and Swiss sandwich on rosemary/olive oil bread was a decent substitute. Blog Party#10 has...

