Is My Blog Burning 11 – Beans, beans, the musical fruit…

Is My Blog Burning 11 – Beans, beans, the musical fruit…

I have been stumped for weeks trying to think of a different tag line for IMBB 11, but that little chant from childhood just wouldn’t go away. So be it. This is the eleventh edition of Alberto’s creation, Is My Blog Burning, in which bloggers the world over come together to celebrate a food, a dish, or a cooking method and share the results. This time the theme is beans and the date is January 23rd, 2005.

What kind of beans? Anything your heart desires. I will only go so far as to define a bean as a legume (so jelly beans and coffee beans are out). The beans can be dried, fresh, canned, in the pod or not, or they could even be sprouted. They can be kidney beans, black-eyed peas, black beans, chickpeas, brown lentils, red lentils, chana dal, green beans, fava beans, navy beans, pinto beans, you name it. Prepare your creation on or before the 23rd, and then tell us all about it in a post to your blog on the 23rd. Once you’ve posted send me an email with the link to your entry. If you don’t have a blog and you’d like to participate, by all means do! Just email your entry to me and I will post it on my blog. Either way, it will be helpful to those of us tasting your entry virtually, if you include photos and a recipe (or a link to a recipe) if possible. On or about the 24th I will post a wrap-up so we can all find our way to every single beanie post.

As you may know, in some cultures beans are served on New Year’s Day and thought to bring luck or prosperity. For example, black-eyed peas are served in a dish called Hoppin’ John in the southern U.S. states and are thought to bring good luck in the new year. You may be eating your beans a little late, but here’s hoping they bring you a new year of peace, health and prosperity. Happy New Year to all!

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