Global Visits

Global Visits

Thanks to that nifty, new, feature on my tracking program, I can see where my visitors are coming from.

And in addition to people from all over the United States (even a hit from Kersey, PA; just outside my hometown), I've become quite international lately.

I've had visitors from:

Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France

Barcelona, Spain

Dublin, Limerick, and Cork Ireland

Pretoria, South Africa

Altrincham, London, Kingsbury, Ilford, and Hackbridge UK

Ashgrove, Australia

Panmure, New Zealand

Stuttgart, Germany

Gan Soreq, Israel

Orkola, Finland

Nassau, Bahamas

Cairo, Egypt

Palmirito, Venezuela

Eggenberg, Austria

Not to mention Canada, Singapore, China, Malaysia, and the Philippines!

Pretty darn cool...thanks for stopping by!

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Blogging

- Canadian Candy Bars
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- Blogging By Mail: Holiday Edition!
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- Blog Party#12: Passport Party
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- Meaning Of Wine Values
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- Wbw 4: New World Riesling
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