Eat Feed on Gelatin

Eat Feed on Gelatin

I'm catching up on podcasts, and I just listened to the "Secret Life of Gelatin" show on Eat Feed. The first part of the show is entertaining, but the best part is the interview segment with food historian Ivan Day (starts at 14:56). This very British scholar launches into an erudite, 15-minute-long discussion of gelatin that you have to hear to believe. I giggled through most of it, not because it was funny but because I was so surprised and delighted by the vast knowledge he has on this obscure topic.

- Sparkling Jellies: Recipe
Ok, so England isn't the home of one of the world's greatest cuisines, but it has exported a number of delicious dishes. I'm particularly fond of crumpets, Summer pudding, bangers and mash, fish and chips, the Sunday roast with Yorkshire...

- Chocolate, Graham Crackers, And Vegan Marshmallows...mmmmm
Today is National S'Mores Day! If only that mountain pie iron I bought would show up... I could make my own S'mores pie! With gelatin-free marshmallows, of course...lovely available from Vegan Essentials or select natural food stores....

- Usda Chickens Out On Grass-fed Beef
The USDA impressed ethical eaters with recent proposals to tighten the "grass-fed" label. Officials wanted to require beef labeled as grass-fed to be, well, grass-fed: cows that only ate grasses from a pasture. But the industry has pushed back,...

- Not About Food
We're back from Victoria just long enough to do laundry before we leave for France. I have a couple food-related posts that I hope to get up before we go, but I'm making a rare OWF departure to congratulate some friends who just passed major milestones. My...

- Epicurious Milk Tasting
The folks at epicurious sent me the results of a milk tasting they did with children. I love some of the comments. Of organic soy milk: "It tastes like hamster food." Of a rice drink: "It tastes like white water." The surprise winner...

