Dining with the Bloggers - September 7th.

Dining with the Bloggers - September 7th.

That's right, Cathy and I are back with tried and tasted recipes from our favorite source: YOU BLOGGERS YOU! I can't believe (again, I think I've mentioned this before) the amount of new blogs that just springs up all over - it's amazing, and I love it!

One of the not-so-new-anymore blogs, that I bookmarked the first time I had seen it, Taste Everything Once, is coming to us from Spokane. It's written by Jennifer, who I just recently realized has a knack for Norwegian language and an opinion on croutons with which I wholeheartedly agree! As if that's not enough, she's got projects going on: one trying to tell us all about the restaurant scene in Spokane, the other one introducing us to coffee place after coffee place. She's got the cutest dog, and oh yes - she makes gorgeous food!

That's still not it. She's also got the best recipe for pizza dough I have yet to come across. It's easy to prepare, you can freeze any you don't use - and it rolls out as thin as you could wish for - now that's a great feature in a pizza dough. I've usually resolved to only making thick crust pizzas at home, because I simply couldn't roll it thin enough. Now, my troubles are over.

My sister had invited herself over for dinner, and I served Jennifer's pizzacrust with a topping of tomato sauce, spinach, grated cheese and a couple dots of mascarpone. 'Twas good. I made sure to have the oven heated on HIGHEST, popped the rolled out and topped up dough on pre-heated baking sheets, and got results that was better than my Italian pizzaman down the street. Seriously. I substituted about one cup of the flour with coarse durumwheat flour, just because I had it and needed to use it, and got 3 medium sized pizzas, and one portion for the freezer. I haven't used the one in the freezer, but I like the idea of lying there, all ready to be used!

Cathy's gone abroad this time, trying out Indian dishes - be sure to check it out!

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