Dining with the Bloggers - May 4th

Dining with the Bloggers - May 4th

Cathy's gone to Sicily, that silly woman! And left me here in the cold, still rainy Denmark - how rude!:-) So I didn't pick a theme as such this week - I just chose to do something that would make me forget that I was in the cold, and Cathy in the sun!

A couple of weeks ago, I spotted this post on Sage, Pine-nut and Pecorino Scones. They were bookmarked as soon as I saw them - easy to whip up and yummy ingredients. They were made by The Part-Time Pro Bono Baker Gemma. Gemma's blog is fairly new, but she's already done a lot of things that are on my to-do list.

Even though I thought the ingredients delectable, I made them on a cold and rainy evening were the planned dinner was a salad, but I just needed something warm and nourishing - read: something that had come out of the oven. Scones! Because it was sort of on a whim, I didn't have the exact ingredients in the house - had pinenuts, some frozen pesto and a couple of twigs of sage languishing in the back of the fridge - no pecorino, but mozarella and parmasan. And Gemma said in her post it was okay to make alterations, so I did!

They were wonderful, and hit the comfort-me-when-it's raining-spot point blank. Savory and flaky in texture, just a tad on the sweet side - actually a little too sweet for me, but I just saw Gemma put an extra note on the post saying she loves it when they are rather sweet, but that other people might like them a bit more savory. I think I'm one of those, and would probably cut the sugar down to two or three tablespoons. They're quick to do, and the base recipe would be great for all sorts of combinations. I can't say anything but BAKE THESE! Now! The recipe has already been put in my recipe note book in fat, black ink...

(Updated with picture)

- Dining With Three Bloggers - September 27th.
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- Dining With The Bloggers - October 26th
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- Dining With The Bloggers - May 18th
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- Dining With The Bloggers - February 23rd.
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