Dining with the Bloggers - March 16th.

Dining with the Bloggers - March 16th.

Breakfast. The most important meal of the day - or so they tell you, even in medical school. I know this. I know this. Still, I find it VERY hard to eat anything before 8 o'clock in the morning - actually I find it very hard to eat anything before I've been awake for about an hour and a half. So you just go figure out how much breakfast I actually eat. On the week-ends, no problemo - maybe that's because breakfast turns into brunch, and then there are so many things to do! Like this - or this - or maybe even this??

Brunch for me has got to involve eggs, one way or the other. So I figured - where better to find something I could do for this weeks Dining with the Bloggers than clicking each and every entry entered for the fast-growing - dare I call it food-blogging event? - or should it be anti-event?;-)- that is EoMEoTE! - End-of-Month Eggs on Toast Extravaganza! Invented by Jeanne and Anthony, it is now on to it's fifth installment. I've never actually joined in on the fun, but I always enjoy reading the funny entries made. Take a look at this one for instance - Moira, Moira, you're such a joker!

And there it was. I'm not the only one! Julie from her not-so-new-anymore blog A Finger In Every Pie is my kinda girl - eggs for breakfast, yes please - she actually eats it for breakfast, as opposed to me, but that really shouldn't make matters worse. She does say the Dilled Egg Salad will do for lunch as well, so I took her up on it and ate it for a late breakfast/early lunch (okay, call it brunch!) today.

What really intrigued me was the lemon juice Julie puts in her egg salad. It's not like I haven't made egg salad before - but I surely never put lemon in it!

But you know what - it worked! It gives the whole thing that little zing and makes the salad not so cloying - I think sometimes the mayonnaise will do that, but this was really good. I had no prosciutto bread, but hey, you can't win them all - I liked the egg salad a lot anyways!

Healthy Cathy's done granola today... Maybe I should try that one too and eat breakfast. The most important meal of the day. Don't forget!

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