Dining with the Bloggers - April 20th

Dining with the Bloggers - April 20th

Ahem. It really couldn't have been me that suggested this weeks theme should be a cake. Why, I never bake, - do I?;-)

Okay, so I do. On my recent trip to Berlin, I almost spend more money on cake tins, than on clothes (okay, almost - not entirely!) So cake had to be there somewhere.

The problem about this theme wasn't so much finding a cake I'd like to try making - the problem was more narrowing down the choices! To the rescue came a relatively new and GORGEOUS blog: Delicious Days, written by Nicky from Munich. She was trying to hide it, but I did a search on her site (typed CAKE - how hard can it be?) and up popped 4 posts, one of them titled: Chocolate Heaven. Uh-oh. Would the pictures be deceiving, or would it be as good as they suggested?

She's also got recipes up for a pink to the point of perfection glazed tuna, incredible sounding Antipasto Speciale, small doughy cushions, sounds so good! - and, should you be going round to Munich anytime soon, be sure to check Delicious Days for where to go. Or, you know - just look at the pictures - they're pretty!

The cake - the cake: a dense, fudgy chocolate cake, a cross between one of those mousse-like cakes and a brownie, I'd say. The batter is assembled in a matter of minutes, and bakes in 22 (twenty-two!) minutes. DO NOT feel tempted to cook it much longer, even though it looks a little wobbly - I did, and it had just that tiny bit of burnt crust on the outer rim that make you go ugh! when you eat that piece by mistake.

I'm having a period of how few ingredients can you use and have great results? Well, this recipe has 5 ingredients, two of them being equal amounts of chocolate and butter - heh! I used the 70 % Lindt chocolate Nicky suggested, but because the Boyfriend likes milk chocolate so much, I haven't done cakes with PURE dark chocolate for ages, so this was just a tiny bit bitter to me - I might try it with half dark and half milk chocolate next. While Nicky prefers it slightly warm, I'm all for the cold version. And let me just add that it works wonders on a lazy Sunday evening as I'm sure it would as a classy dessert after a nice dinner.

Now, jump over and have a slice of Cathy's cake...

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.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Even more her best friend when she realizes she hasn't posted to her dear...

