Derrick is sure to comment on the subject

Derrick is sure to comment on the subject

Tom mentioned that I would probably comment on the California government's decision to ban foie gras, and he's right. If you haven't heard, in February Senator Burton introduced a bill that bans the production and sale of any food that comes from a force-fed bird. That's foie gras, magret, confited legs, and a bunch of other items. It was recently signed by the governor, though the text is now somewhat different: the ban doesn't start until July of 2012. There is a single foie gras producer in California and only two others in the country.

This is an issue I've watched closely. This blog entry is literally a break from my final edits on a piece about foie gras. It will soon be at the printer's. I was well through my first draft when the bill got introduced, which obviously forced a delay.

I'm opposed in principle to a bill that bans food for any reason other than near-extinction of the animal in question. I noted several flaws in the legislature's analysis of the bill. The main one is that they used the report from a task force set up by the EU in 1998. I've spent a lot of time with that document, and though it looks objective, it's not. If you read the original papers they cite, they are less negative than the EU's summary. The text was clearly edited to put the most negative points first in any given paragraph. Like I said, I've read that document a fair amount.

On the other hand, the bill does protect Sonoma Foie Gras from lawsuits for the next seven and a half years, and gives the owner a chance to figure out a way to make foie gras without force-feeding, which I freely admit is a thought-provoking sight. I was for the bill in its current form, or at least for a veto which would still protect Sonoma Foie Gras.

Okay, at some point some of you are going to get angry with me about this. This issue engenders a lot of emotion on both sides. You're welcome to write me or comment. I do hope you'll be more polite than one reader who sent me this email after (I presume) seeing me talk about foie gras on eGullet):

Dear fatass,   It's really too bad we can't shove a pipe down your throat and pump you full of French wine to increase the size of your liver,  which is most likely enlarged from your alcoholic lifestyle. I hope you choke to death on your next liver sandwich, b**** [edited to get past any censorship filters].

I welcome intelligent debate. But I won't respond to emails like that. A word to the would-be antagonist: such tactics just weaken your cause because it reinforces the notion people have that animal rights activists are loonies. The animal rights activists I spoke to when I wrote this piece are intelligent and have thoughtful things to say even as they are passionate on the topic.

I won't say too much about my research (which has spanned the last year) or even my final stance on the topic, which is the result of a year of soul-searching. I want to encourage you all to buy the magazine when it comes out. I'll let you know when it does (publishing schedules are always subject to change, so it's not out until it's out).

- Foie Gras Without Force-feeding?
In a post at The Ethicurean, I noticed a link to an article describing a Spanish foie gras that received the Coup de Coeur award for innovation at the Paris International Food Salon. The surprise here isn't the country of origin: Spain, like Belgium,...

- Chicago Bans Foie Gras
Chicago has banned the sale of foie gras, starting in June. This won't surprise anyone who's followed the issue. Once Californa legislators passed a ban on production and sale in 2004 (effective 2012), other cities and states followed suit. Long-time...

- Bits Of Foie Gras
Famous Chicago chef Charlie Trotter speaks out against foie gras. The article quotes also-famous Chicago chef Rick Tramonto, who says that Trotter's stance is hypocritical because animals are slaughtered all the time. They're talking about two...

- Rosengarten And Foie Gras
I recently bought a copy of The Rosengarten Report. I heard that it had a write-up on the foie gras debate (FOIEGRACALYPSE NOW! the cover screams), and I wanted to see what it said. I kept thinking of Troy McClure as I read the text, but I'll give...

- The Dilemma Of Foie Gras, Art Of Eating 68
Photo by Chris Holmes I thought I wouldn't write anything until after Christmas, but I'll make one quick post. Issue 68 of The Art of Eating is sort of out, and it has my piece about foie gras. I did a lot of research on this piece, and my...

