Daddy's Cake

Daddy's Cake

Matt got to pick what he wanted for dinner and dessert on Father's day; so I made him a simple chocolate cake.


Don't tell my in-law's, but while the chocolate cake keeps to the 'simple' with just a little butter, a cup of flour, some cocoa, sugar and vanilla? It also needs 8 eggs. I kid you not; I triple-checked the recipe, that's how thrown I was.

Two very dense cake layers, split in two, and frosted with a wonderfully fudgy frosting: butter and cream, and 12 ounces of Calebaut, melted, stirred and chilled, then beaten to a spreadable consistency.

But that wasn't good enough; I had to 'jazz' it up a little. So, I topped it with some edible decoration, with a chocolate base.

He seemed to like it...and hey, wasn't that the point?

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Baking + Chocolate + Cake +
Tagged with: Father's Day + Dad

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