Crafts & Stuff: Sock Monkey for Cassidy

Crafts & Stuff: Sock Monkey for Cassidy

This little miss monkey is for my little miss Cassidy (my not quite two year old neice). Her mom and dad gave me two pairs of those socks with red heels and white cuffs that are traditionally used for sock monkeys. The deal was: one pair for me and the other for a sock monkey for Cassidy. Well, I found myself home from work early yesterday (a 4:00 appointment at my house lasted all of 10 minutes). It was one of those beautiful sunny days that lifts the spirits and it put me in the mood to make something. I had originally planned to weave (I'm on towel #2 now) but when I saw the socks laying there I started cutting and before I knew it I had myself a monkey.

Now I just have to figure out what she's going to wear...

- Hungry Monkey: Book Review
Hungry Monkey is the funniest book I've read all year. It might seem odd that I would even bother reading a book about "a food-loving father's quest to raise an adventurous eater" since I don't have kids myself. I only review things here...

- 101 Things In 1001 Days
This idea has been around for a while, but when I saw another mention of it on the Pink of Perfection along with the thought that we should put some fun into our resolutions, I was sold. I've got a good start on a list, but I'm not quite up to...

- I Can't Like That
A while back, my three year old neice, Cassidy, and my brother came to my house for dinner. I thought I'd come up with an ingenious plan to get her to eat the tomato and chickpea dish that I was serving. I put a little of the pureed mixture (sans...

- Happy Birthday Cassidy!!!
My niece Cassidy is one year old today. She is the daughter of my youngest brother David and his wife Stephanie. Cassidy is a beautiful little girl and this past year has truly been a joy. The big birthday celebration was this past Saturday and the...

- One Ring To Bind Them
Yes, I had to use that particular phrase for this post. You can all give a collective groan (for the pun, not the event) as I announce that An Obsession with Food is now a part of the Foodbloggers web ring run by Tang Monkey. Call me conformist if you...

