Cookbook Review: Great Party Fondues

Cookbook Review: Great Party Fondues

Mozzarella Surprise: Marinara Fondue

Matt & I were told, some years ago, that we were, in fact, people who looked like they'd own three fondue pots...

I think it's ridiculous, how fondue has fallen out of favor. That everyone thinks it the same way they do avocado green appliances & gas shortages.

But fondue is fun. And it is truly is the ultimate party food.

It brings everyone together. It instigates a certain amount of laughter, as melting cheese strings out for yards, connecting that hot pot to a fork-full of dip-able food. You eat, you laugh, you talk. Good times.

Welsh Rarebit

So, OK; we're already pro-fondue in our house. And yes, I have fondue cookbooks. But when I got my hands on a copy of Peggy Fallon's Great Party Fondues, it was truly an 'oooh'-worthy moment. Page after page decorated with those brilliant sticky tabs. Recipes that, while certainly enticing, were accessible & uncomplicated.

Dippers for sweet fondue

I made several fondues. Because I was dealing with molten cheeses and such, I opted not to photograph them in my 'studio' (box on sideboard, with attached light), and risk poor picture quality from high ceilings and low light in the dining room.

The food may not look as gorgeous as it really was, but trust me: it was good. Seriously.

I think my favorite was the Mozzarella Surprise Marinara Fondue.

Blindingly simple. Onion, tomato paste & garlic, cooked. Add crushed tomatoes, with juices, red wine, salt, red pepper flakes, and sugar, boil/reduce/simmer till thickened. Add basil & parsley.

Cubes of mozzarella go into the fondue pot, pour the sauce over, and keep warm.

Each time you dip in your bread or pasta (or whatever you like), you get this tomato-y cheese lovefest. We absolutely cleaned the pot. Amazing stuff.

Minted Milk Chocolate Fondue

The majority of the recipes have been marked; in fact it's only the meat-heavy ones we ignored, as 2/3 of the household happens to be vegetarian!

But whatever you like to dip, there's a fondue for you. The recipes are quality, the results are gorgeous and filling.

And hey...the holidays are almost here: what better way to feed a crowd?

This December, Blog Party is celebrating your holiday traditions!

Join us for the food & fun; RSVP no later than THIS Thursday, 18 December. Hope to see you there!

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