Burros on Whole Foods

Burros on Whole Foods

Brett mentioned this in the comments to my recap of the Pollan-Mackey event, but I know not everyone skims the comments. Marian Burros wrote a piece in today's New York Times asking if Whole Foods is straying from its idealistic roots. Worth a read, though be sure to check out Ric's response in my previous post.

- John Mackey, Michael Pollan & Real Sustainablility
Last night I got a chance to hear John Mackey, Whole Foods CEO and Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma at UC Berkeley. It was a fascinating evening of discourse mainly about the future of food and less about the ongoing debate between...

- Vs.! Pollan And Mackey
"Pollan-Mackey Smackdown" was the entry on my calendar. Michael Pollan, the tall, thin journalism professor whose The Omnivore's Dilemma described Big Organic and the "supermarket pastorale" of stores such as Whole Foods, and John Mackey, the sandy-haired...

- Slate On Pollan's Latest
Every food blogger has pointed to Pollan's sprawling New York Times article about "nutritionism." I'll add my voice to the multitude: You should read it. Because I enjoy being perverse, however, I'd also suggest that you read Slate's...

- Gng Recap 06/30/06
Here are some of the stories we've covered over at Growers & Grocers in the last week: Pérail gets a nod from the San Francisco Chronicle, even if you can't get the good stuff here. Whole Foods head John Mackey responds to...

- Dining With The Bloggers - November 23rd
Today is Dining with the Bloggers day. Today is Wednesday, also - so who better to cook with than The Wednesday Chef? Luisa started her blog just a couple of months ago. She had this great idea of wanting to tell people how the recipes in the papers...

