Blogging by Mail: Indian Surprises!

Blogging by Mail: Indian Surprises!

Last week, my BBM package arrived, in surprisingly good condition as it had shipped from India!

As always, when matching bloggers for Blogging by Mail, I find myself in a bit of a weird situation: who do I assign to me? It's kind of awkward.

But I muddle though, and this time I asked Coco to be my 'send to' partner. We exchanged a lovely series of emails, talking about the different kinds of Indian foods and spices I enjoyed till she had a pretty good idea where I was.

Now, I'm as much into the 'surprise' factor of BBM as the next blogger, but it's not easy to maintain the mystery when both our identities are known!

The box arrived in a lovely cloth wrapping, and when I got the package opened? Oh, the smells. The wonderful earthy smells.

Coco packed a huge amount of flavor into that small box, filling it with spices and snacks and things to enhance our love of Indian cuisine.

There was turmeric, in whole form. No, I had no idea it could be used as an antiseptic!

Various chilies, including the lovely yogurt-soaked ones you see in the slide show.

A ginger tea that went over very well with the Indian meal we served to a friend last weekend!

Sweets, spices, and even those wonderful Indian-style 'after-dinner mints' Matt loves so much.

A most wonderful package! Coco, it was perfect, and I thank you. Everything is useful and appreciated.

Less than 20 of the remaining boxes are left to be shipped...if you have shipped your package but have yet to tell me, please do! And if you haven't mailed yours yet, well...we're approaching three weeks since the 'ship by' date. There are sweet bloggers out there, just waiting for a little post office-delivered sunshine. Don't keep them waiting!

Also, if you have gotten a package, but have not posted about it? Please do so quickly. Everyone likes to see what you got, and it's part of the whole BBM-thing. So, keep in touch: mail package if you haven't, let me know if you have. If you've received a package but haven't told me, again, please do. And don't forget to post and let me know about that, too!

We're getting close!

Invites to April's Blog Party are out, and this month we're celebrating our favorite Diner, Street, and Pub foods by fancy-ing them up and turning them into appetizers!

Your favorite virtual cocktail party is taking to the streets, or rather, our food is.

RSVP by Thursday, 17 April...and I hope to see you there!


I'm hosting the latest Retro Recipe Challenge, and this time, it's all about Mom!

Pick a recipe from a year before your mother was born (thank you John, Paul, George & Ringo) and send those URL's in by Saturday, 26 April. So, tie up those apron strings, paste a pretty smile on your face, and get cooking!

- Blogging By Mail: The List
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- Bbm: Indulge Me...who's Signed Up & Ready To Ship
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- Bbm: Little Things---who's Signed Up
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- Blogging By Mail: A Few Of My Favorite Things
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- Blogging By Mail; So Far
Though you can keep track of all the packages by clicking on the Blogging by Mail icon located near the top my sidebar, I thought I'd give everyone an update on how we're doing. 25 out, 8 in....64 unaccounted for. 2 Girls in the Kitchen Package...

