Bloggers with class...

Bloggers with class...

...or class with bloggers. Lenn and I will be leading a discussion about food and wine blogging at Stony Brook University's Center for Wine, Food, and Culture on October 20. We're going to talk about why we do the blog thing, evangelize the medium a bit, and chat about food and wine writing and blogging. If anyone's in the New York area and can trek down to Long Island, we'd love to see you. We haven't figured out the full presentation yet (I sent an email to Lenn and the director, but forbade Lenn from responding until he got back from his honeymoon), but we're both excited to talk about one of our passions and meet each other. I'm hoping he can give me some advice about Long Island wineries, but I don't know how much he knows about the region :). I'm also looking forward to getting to know Louisa Thomas Hargrave better: She's the Center's director and the doyenne of the Long Island wine industry. I met her at the wine writers' symposium I attended in March.

And yes, by the way, this means that Melissa and I will be in New York in late October. I'm not closing a book deal, like my friend Clotilde; this is a vacation. I will, however, follow her lead and ask you all for New York advice presently.

- Sex And The Simple Red Wine
Melissa and I have been working through the Sex and the City DVDs. I like the show, but something about it irks my inner wine geek. Whenever one of the four main women orders a cocktail, she goes into specifics: "Get me a Cosmopolitan" or "This is a...

- Advice Wanted: New Zealand
Once again, I come to you for advice. Who can blame me? You're always so helpful. Like many a food and wine blogger before us, Melissa and I are traveling to New Zealand in early August: our summer, their winter. We're there for 8 nights, 7 full...

- Around The Web
The Onion did a "man on the street" segment about Burger King's small steps toward more humane food. The responses will give you a nice Monday chuckle. My friend Louisa Thomas Hargrave, founder of the Long Island wine industry, gave me a heads-up...

- Lenn's New York Wine Club
Originally uploaded by Lenn Thompson. New York's wine regions have received good press, but it can be difficult to find the wines outside that state. Our friend Lenn, who champions the Empire State's wine regions in print and from his blog...

- The Owf "eat 'til You Drop" Tour: Long Island Part 1
Photo by melissa nicole. In 1973, Louisa Thomas Hargrave and her then-husband Alex thumbed their noses at naysaying wine experts and planted Vitis vinifera vines on the North Fork of Long Island's East End, a lobster claw of land that juts into...

