Black Bean Taco with Roasted Peppers and Onions

Not worth your time)
Tacos are pretty simple things, right?
Slap some filling onto a tortilla, and you're good.
Unless, of course, you're making this recipe.
Another from Vegetarian Times, it's full of lies. Lies, I tell you!
says the whole thing takes 30 minutes or less to come together.
I say, 30 minutes in
what alternate universe?
First, I had to roast the peppers and onions...that took at least half an hour.
Then there's the old 'saute onions till soft,
5 to 7 minutes'...What?
Whenever Matt and I see an instruction like this, we wonder what kind of deal with the devil, or magic, is being used by the author. Because in our real, hocus-pocus-free, world, it takes a bit longer to achieve onion-y softness.
Ok, we have soft onions. Now, it's time to add beans, tomatoes (fire roasted!), chili powder, cumin, hot sauce and a cup of water.
According to the recipe, the heat is reduced and the whole lot simmered about 15 minutes...
or until most of the liquid has evaporated.
Again, I'd like my own personal doorway to whatever crazy-land allows things like this to happen.
For the record, the tacos were good. The mashed bean mixture, topped with cheese, the roasted peppers and onions, lettuce, avocado and sour cream was very satisfying.
Just not enough to make up for all the
crap required to make it, I'm afraid.
Tagged with: Food and Drink + Tacos + Vegetarian + Mexican + Beans + Avocado + Cheese + Tortilla
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