Announcing IMBB 25: Give Us This Day Yesterday's Bread

Announcing IMBB 25: Give Us This Day Yesterday's Bread

Photo by Melissa Schneider.

I barely remember signing up to host Is My Blog Burning 25 a year and a half ago. But I do remember the theme I suggested to Alberto for his Internet-wide cooking exhibition: good uses for stale bread

For IMBB, if you don't know, the host sets a theme and then bloggers around the world post their realizations of that theme on the specified date. Some time later, the host posts a round-up pointing to everyone's entry. For this month's edition, I want you to let some good bread go stale, and then figure out a way to keep using it. Americans often just discard dried-up loaves, but other cultures have found ways to stretch bread to the last crumb.

Pain perdu, panzanella bread salad, bread crumbs, croutons, bread pudding, stuffing, whatever else you can think of. They're all fair game. Cook your dish some time before or on the weekend of April 29 & 30, and write it up on that Saturday or Sunday. Let me know where to find your post: Email me (see upper right), leave a comment, or use the Technorati tag imbb25

Some thoughts:

I look forward to seeing your contributions.

- Imbb 25 Round-up, Part 3
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- Imbb 25, Part 2
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- Imbb Next Weekend
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