Amy's Granola Recipe

Amy's Granola Recipe

It's all about breakfast in our house. Lee's favorite meal of the day is breakfast and before we even met I used to flirt with him, recounting detailed menus of breakfasts I had made. Now he gets the goods everyday, just about.

Today we had lemon brown sugar blueberry pancakes. I've been on the hunt for the perfect blueberry pancake recipe and this one might be it. Excellent flavor, sweet but tangy and full of berries. It's really the texture that's so hard to manage. The batter has to be thick enough to hold the blueberries but thin enough to still make tender pancakes and not come out too cakey.

I also made a batch of granola this morning for breakfasts to come. The recipe is my own, but is loosely based on Jane Brody's Great Granola from her Good Food Book.

Note: This recipe can be endlessly adapted. You can add flax seed to the sesame seeds or mix in 1/3 cup wheat germ with the nuts at the end of baking.

Amy's Granola


1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup honey
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
3 cups oats
1/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/3 - 1/2 cup nuts, chopped
(any combination of almonds, walnuts, pecans, etc)

1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup dried fruit
(cranberries, raisins, chopped apricots, etc.)


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Melt butter and honey together. Reserve 1-2 tablespoons of wet ingredients. Mix the melted butter and honey with the oats and sunflower seeds. Put oats and sunflower seed mixture on a parchment lined rimmed baking pan. Bake for 12 minutes stirring often. Add the sesame seeds to the reserved butter/honey mixture then add the chopped nuts and sesame seed mixture to the oats and bake for 2-5 minutes, watch carefully! When golden brown, let cool and store in an airtight container.

Add cinnamon and dried fruit after granola cools


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