A Very Berry Weekend

A Very Berry Weekend

Strawberries and cherries (sour and sweet) from the farmer's market this morning and blueberries picked from my blueberry bush. I have plans for those strawberries and sour cherries, but haven't decided on anything yet for the sweet cherries and blueberries. Stay tuned...

- All About Blueberries
When I was growing up, Summer vacation meant camping trips. My family would head north and up the Oregon coast to play in the dunes, go beachcombing, and enjoy spectacular scenery all along the way. One stop we used to make on our trips was blueberry...

- The Blueberries Are Coming! The Blueberries Are Coming!
I’ve lived in my house for going on 20 years now. Not long after I moved in I purchased a blueberry bush and planted it in my backyard. It’s pretty fuzzy now, but as I recall the place where I bought it had only one and it wasn’t labeled with the...

- Cherries On Sfist
Melissa reminded me that I hadn't yet mentioned my latest SFist piece, a short post about the cherries we're seeing everywhere. Her aunt and uncle visited from Michigan, and we met them and Melissa's mom at the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market....

- Embracing My Inner Grasshopper
When Clotilde gets produce in her weekly shipment, she becomes (charmingly, of course) an ant and makes jam for the winter months. Melissa and I are grasshoppers. I saw last week that we would be getting strawberries and cherries in our...

- Pretty Please With Three Cherries On The Side...
Cherries was at the market the other day and I just couldn't help myself from buying them although they were a teeny tiny bit expensive. Heck, I'm studying for my exam and I need to treat myself nicely from time to time - let myself indulge,...

