A Presidential Term of Obsession

A Presidential Term of Obsession

Snickerdoodles: My first food obsession.
Photo by Melissa Schneider.

Today marks OWF's fourth year of existence. No sentimental note this year, just a quick thanks to everyone who reads this site. We're going to Victoria to celebrate the event!

No, not really. We are going to Victoria this weekend, but we're celebrating our friends' marriage.

- Is My Blog Burning?
Tomorrow is the seemingly monthly event, Is My Blog Burning? This time hosted by Derrick of the aptly named, Obsession with Food blog. You still have some time to whip up a terrine if you'd like to participate. This time around there is a new...

- Gone With The Mistral
With barely enough time to recover from the Victoria trip—maybe not enough time—Melissa and I are off to Provence until September 18. My mom and I will be hitting the markets and cooking the entire time, much to the enjoyment of Melissa and...

- Salumi In Seattle
Photo by Melissa Schneider. The 10:00 am flight from Oakland arrives in Seattle at 11:30. You get out of the airport at about noon. You have two hours to check in for the 3:15 ferry to Victoria, but the bus to Seattle takes one hour. That's an...

- Not About Food
We're back from Victoria just long enough to do laundry before we leave for France. I have a couple food-related posts that I hope to get up before we go, but I'm making a rare OWF departure to congratulate some friends who just passed major milestones. My...

- Owf Mentioned In The Sf Chronicle (sort Of)
My friend Russell went to Web 2.0, and sat next to a reporter in one session. They started talking about RSS, and the reporter wrote a story about this technology. To illustrate Russell's breadth of reading material, the reporter called out a couple...

