A New Use for Factory Farms

A New Use for Factory Farms

Food & Water Watch has found a good use for factory farms: Warning other countries about the consequences of industrial farming. The organization will lead European farmers on a tour of our industrial facilities, taking advantage of their anticipated horror to educate them about the environmental and economic issues our country has created.

Hopefully our messed-up system will keep similar facilities from spreading in Europe.

- Vs.! Pollan And Mackey
"Pollan-Mackey Smackdown" was the entry on my calendar. Michael Pollan, the tall, thin journalism professor whose The Omnivore's Dilemma described Big Organic and the "supermarket pastorale" of stores such as Whole Foods, and John Mackey, the sandy-haired...

- Around The Web
Melissa and I were away for the long weekend, and we find ourselves catching up with a few interesting pieces. Dan Barber wrote an in-depth op-ed piece for the New York Times that articulates many of the problems with our current agricultural system....

- Arizona Sows May Get Bigger Pens
The state of Arizona is considering a law that would require larger pens for pregnant pigs and calves being raised for veal, according to this article at the Arizona Business Gazette. Not large. Just larger. Industrial producers are nonetheless battling...

- Book Review: The Ethical Gourmet
Jay Weinstein's The Ethical Gourmet is a sign of the times. Organic food is mainstream, sold from Wal-Mart to Whole Foods. Newspapers and magazines exalt humane meat producers and artisanal cheese makers. People want to do the right thing by their...

- Chicago Bans Foie Gras
Chicago has banned the sale of foie gras, starting in June. This won't surprise anyone who's followed the issue. Once Californa legislators passed a ban on production and sale in 2004 (effective 2012), other cities and states followed suit. Long-time...

