[DANSK] Mormor salat

[DANSK] Mormor salat

Grandma salad, translated. It's plain, it's simple - it's one of those dishes that really show-cases the ingredients, which is why they have to be at their best. Or rather, the one star ingredient has to be at it's peak. Nothing more, nothing less than a head of lettuce, like this one. Not romaine, no no, the leaves has to be softer than that - anyways, they're not hard to find in summer, at least not around here.

You basically wash the salad and rip it into bite-size pieces. Just before you want to eat it, dress with 2-3 tablespoons of heavy cream, the juice of half a lemon (maybe a little less), 1-2 teaspoons sugar, salt and pepper. Taste - the directions given here are as I remember doing it, but I usually do it by feel and tastebuds and without measuring. Toss. Serve. I can eat this with everything - or, you know, if it's just me and a head of lettuce, I'll devour it all in one sitting, with maybe some crusty bread on the side for mopping up the dressing. Hey, it's cream, it's good for you!;-)

You can variate the salad by adding quartered strawberries or orange wedges - M also likes tomatoes in it. Personally, I don't seem to tire of the sweet/sour/fat/crunchy complexity of it just as it is, but be my guest...

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