[DANSK] Glories of Butter, Sugar & Coconut: Drømmekage

[DANSK] Glories of Butter, Sugar & Coconut: Drømmekage

I've recently switched to the new blogger - I know, you can't really tell, I've tried to have it look as much like my old one as possible. I'm not good with changes. Yes, I want a new banner, and new colors and - they will come, in their due time. Just not right now. For now, I just got really tag/label-happy and went over all of my posts and tagged along. That is one nifty feature, I must say!

But. It also made me realize that gosh! I do do a lot of sweet baking and such. Take a look at that, right there in the sidebar: 33 posts in Baking for the Sweet Tooth. At the time of writing this, that is. For some reason, I do believe it will grow, fast and furiously, within the next year. And, like, right now.

More Danish treats. I just can't help myself, and Martin is doing nothing to stop me. In fact, the last couple of weeks, his standard sentence when coming home from work has been: Where's the cake? What kind of cake are we having tonight? I better just comply! (as if I mind, lol!)

Drømmekage is, as Melissa so rightly said about the Brunsviger, one of those cakes that more than justifies and glorifies the excistense of butter and sugar. Here, we throw a little coconut into the equation as well, and what do you get? Sweet, vanilla-y cake with a sligthly crispy, chewy topping of caramelized coconut, the topping bleeding ever so slightly into the top of the spongy cake underneith it. Tell me you don't want a slice and I know you're lying!

Drømmekage fra Brovst

Just for the record, I often make half this portion, using a smaller cake pan. Lordy, imagine I made the full portion - we'd be all bellies and grease! So depending on the amount of people you need to serve, I'd adjust.

For the bottom part:

6 eggs
500 g. vanilla-scented sugar (or use regular and add 1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract with the eggs)
500 g. flour
4 tesapoons baking powder
4oo ml. milk
100 grams melted butter

For the topping:
350 grams melted butter
100 ml. milk
450 g. soft brown sugar
200 g. shredded coconut

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. Grease (or line with baking paper) a 30 x 20 cm. cake pan.

Whip together the eggs and sugar until foamy and white. Mix the flour and baking powder and blend in. Add milk and melted butter, blend until combined. Pour into the prepared cake pan and bake for 25-30 minutes, until a wooden skewer comes out clean.

10 minutes before the cake is done, mix together the ingredients for the topping. When the cake is done, pour over the topping and bake for another 10 minutes.

Take out of the oven - the topping will still be slightly runny, but will firm up as it cools. Leave to cool for an hour or so, then dig in. Not that it will be bad if you wait until the next day, but who would want to wait that long?

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