"And tomorrow, I'm making Waffles!"

"And tomorrow, I'm making Waffles!"

quote: Donkey in the animated movie Shrek.

Making waffles was what I did - not tomorrow, but Sunday morning for breakfast. You see, my sweety-pie of a Boyfriend, found this:

on sale a couple of months ago, and I thought it about time that I inaugurated it. That, and okay, there was no more bread to eat for breakfast!

I used a recipe found at the King Arthur Flour site - I was introduced to this site by Fae of TinyFork (where are you Fae? Are you still there? I miss you!) and they have all sorts of cool recipes! In Denmark we don't have King Arthur Flour, but hey, my guess is I wouldn't run out to the store to get some even if we did! I just used my regular ole organic flour. They have a TON of different recipes for waffles, but the one I liked the sound of was the Classic Buttermilk Waffle. I had buttermilk in the fridge, just waiting to be used, and I liked the fact that the recipe didn't overdose on eggs. I wanted a plain, no frills waffle for my first batch.

As it was, I did go and change bits and pieces. So here goes:

2 large eggs
1 3/4 cups buttermilk
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted and cooled to room temperature
1 3/4 cups wheat flour
Pinch of sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt

Basically, you stir together the wet ingredients in one bowl, the dry ones in another, then mix them up. It's pretty simple, and not hard to do on a Sunday morning even though you might have had a little wine the night before!;-)

But ey - why not make a little bit of this, a little bit of that? Having tasted the first batch - well, I had to see if they were any good, didn't I? - I decided that I loved the slight tang of buttermilk - but maybe they were just a tad to bland. I divided the batter in two, and out of the fridge came Parmesan - grate-grate-grate - and there you have it! Buttermilk-Parmesan Waffles!

As it was, we would need breakfast-dessert too, so the other bowl got a shot of vanilla-scented sugar - mmmm....

I had just been leafing through one of my cookbooks that mentioned this:

Date syrup, recommended as a substitute for honey or maple syrup. I don't know how it got in there (okay I do, shsh!), but I had some in my cupboard. So what better way to go with that and thick creme fraiche than:

It was indeed a beautiful Sunday morning...

UPDATE! I just found out that Donkey really says: "and in the morning, I'm making waffles!" Zarah, learn your comics properly!:-)

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