
This week I give you two quotes (click on the links ot read the whole post) and a picture so mouth-watering it is sure to make you hungry, unless of course you are a picky eater!

Quote 1
"I swear to God, I'm becoming gayer with each cupcake I make. I am becoming a baking queen. A non-stop flour force, armed with butter and a cup o' sugar. And. It. Feels. So. Good." (Vanilla & Garlic)

Quote 2
"I was one lucky senorita on an otherwise dull Monday night when Mike channeled his inner abuela and made us chiles rellenos that transported us out of Fort Lauderdale and straight across the gulf to Mexico." (A Mingling of Tastes)

Forget those perfect Donna Hay/Martha Stewart photos for just one minute. In food marketing there is a term called "appetite appeal" and this picture has got it in spades. Head over to Alice Q. Foodie for the details on what she calls the "Ultimate Fall Lasagna".

Finally a shout out to Barbara at Tigers & Strawberries who was so inspired by my picky eating post, that she blogged about picky eaters too (who would've thought it was such a emotionally charged and divisive subject?)


- Hungry Monkey: Book Review
Hungry Monkey is the funniest book I've read all year. It might seem odd that I would even bother reading a book about "a food-loving father's quest to raise an adventurous eater" since I don't have kids myself. I only review things here...

- Strawberry Cupcakes: Recipe
I have a cupcake confession. I made a LOT of cupcakes in order to get this recipe right. I ate cupcakes, fed them to Lee and even delivered them to friends. I have my sister to thank for testing the recipe who declared them a success with not only adults...

Now that the holidays are FINALLY over, it's interesting to see what is inspiring food bloggers in the kitchen. First off Heidi at 101 Cookbooks found inspiration in an old cookbook handed down from grandmother to mother to daughter. Check out...

- Violent Acres On Children's Diets
The caustic voice behind the Violent Acres blog asserts, with only a few points of empirical evidence, that processed food and special attention turn kids into picky eaters. It's worth noting that she doesn't have kids (or I don't think she...

- Can I Still Sign Up For Your Class?
The other night, a friend of mine asked me if he could still sign up for my six-week class on the wines of Germany and Eastern Europe. He can. And so can you. Just click here and register. It seems expensive, but each night you'll be tasting somewhere...

